Reblog Wednesday: Success Is Not By Accident: Perseverance And Hard Work – The Key To Success — Motivation, inspirational articles, quotes and life hacks

I read this post by Savvy Life 101 and was so inspired by it, I thought I’d share it with you for ‘Reblog Wednesday.’ I recently wrote a post on Lack of Motivation and what I do to keep me motivated while living with chronic pain. And I shared a picture that I hope inspires you, a picture of the places where top companies got their start, companies like Google, Disney and Mattel.

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This post that I share with you today is in correlation with my post, how anyone can be successful, anyone. We all have the same amount of time in the day, wealthy or not. The difference is the productivity, are you wasting away the hours in the day or are you practicing healthy habits and taking advantage of the hours in your day and working smart.

It’s not a matter of being born into a life of wealth to be successful, it’s a matter of wanting to reach your desire goal and how much you are willing to do to reach it. The post lists 5 great points to help you get organized and on your way to thinking what changes need to be made in order to get to where you want to be.

Do you want to earn more money to live more comfortably, do you want to stop living pay check to pay check, do you want to finally begin that what never began? Read the post, where I’m sure you’ll get some helpful tips to get you started.


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Success Is Not By Accident: It Is Hard Work Do you want to succeed in life? I’m sure the answer is probably yes. Listen up closely so that I can give you one of the best advice in life: Success is not by accident. You have to work smart and hard for it. We all […]

via Success Is Not By Accident: Perseverance And Hard Work – The Key To Success — Motivation, inspirational articles, quotes and life hacks USA, LLC

Reblog Wednesday: I’m more than just a Mom — Momma Meets World

This reblog comes from Momma Meets World where she speaks on asking herself, who she is, who she is as a whole, as a person, as an individual. It struck a cord with me as Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching. As a stay at home mom often times I feel defined by just that, a stay at home mom. And nothing else. I’ve too often felt like there’s a certain shame behind being a ‘stay at home mom.’ As if there’s nothing interesting, nothing exciting, nothing substantial behind the title. I’m not even speaking solely on mom’s, perhaps you’re a single dad, or single mother, or someone going through anything that has a title attached to it that has a negative cognition.

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Why has society placed a negative stigma over parents wanting to raise their kids at home?

And why are some stay at home parents – as myself, seeking to put more on their plates then what they already have? 

Are we trying to prove something? And to whom?

Truth be told, stay at home moms are not at home eating Dum Dums (lollipops) all day – I know, shocker! In my quest to put my ‘stay at home mom’ title on the side somewhere, I realize I’ve done just that, fill  my plate – to the rim. And you can see more here, on the different things I have going on aside from caring for my kids at home. Yes, granted, because of my diagnosis I do these things from home, however they do  take up my time nonetheless. Also, I’ve realized that there’s no other title more important to me than that of a parent, of a mother and that of a stay at home mom.

If you’re on this quest to redefine yourself or rediscover yourself, know that your kids don’t see a title, but rather a loving parent.

In your own quest to find yourself, don’t lose who you are for the sake of proving society wrong, or anyone else wrong, do things for yourself, for your family and know that at the end, all will be well.


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It’s taken me a very long time to realize that I’ve lost who I am. Who is Monica? A few weeks ago I woke up feeling numb. I’m not sure if I felt sadness, or darkness, or anything for that matter…I just felt blank.

via I’m more than just a Mom — Momma Meets World USA, LLC

Reblog Wednesday: Get on your back — A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his Partner and becoming a single parent.

This reblog is from Bereaved Single Dad – blogger and father to a son. As they say, it’s never  too late, too late to become educated, to learn, to become aware and to shed light on things that matter to you. Him and I share one thing that’s close and dear to our hearts and that is our sons have been labeled many things, which only means they are extra special.


I recently saw the comedian Amy Schumer’s Netflix special, ‘Growing.’ She opens up on her husbands autism diagnosis. She and her husband – a chef, are expecting their first child. It was also evident that in the midst of a diagnosis we can still find laughter and joy.

“Once he was diagnosed, it dawned on me how funny it was, because all of the characteristics that make it clear that he’s on the spectrum are all of the reasons that I fell madly in love with him,” she says in the ‘Growing’ Netflix special. “That’s the truth. He says whatever is on his mind. He keeps it so real. He doesn’t care about social norms or what you expect him to say or do.”

This reminded me of my son – he says as he sees it, he’s now 9 years old, working hard in school and continues his speech therapy. You can read more on my son’s Autism diagnosis here. When I first heard her speak on the topic it was hard not  to feel an overwhelming feeling of hope. The stigma around Autism – as many other diagnosis, is the unknown future. Will he find a special person, a wife, will he have children, a career, etc.? The actress speaking up on her husband’s diagnosis filled me up with both appreciation and hope.

Happy Wednesday.


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It’s been a ‘on your back’ sort of day. Not just for the pets. First we played football in the garden. Son wasn’t keen on using his boots so I dug out mine as well. As a I put my boots on I warned son that they would be hard to walk with on the […]

via Get on your back.. — A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his Partner and becoming a single parent.

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