Netflix: Tidying Up With Marie Kondo

This morning GMA (Good Morning America) covered a story on a Netflix Original that has just begun! If you already know, or don’t, Marie Kondo is a Japanese best selling author. She is known for her expert advice on all things organization and I just so happen to have a deep love for all things organized. And this Netflix Original Series is based on the ‘KonMari’ method which is from her best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I also had written the post titled, The KonMari Method + Clutter Free Home, so if you haven’t read it, please do!

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The plot behind this newly original, Marie Kondo lends a helping hand to people in need of decluttering their homes.

In the interview linked below with Marie Kondo, one of the things that struck a cord with me is when she is asked, what is wrong with American’s, why do we have so much stuff, to which she responds, that the homes are huge. Which only got me thinking about the homes I’ve visited – those smaller spaces and large, and how every inch of the home is covered in stuff! Have you been there?! Perhaps it’s because I live with chronic pain, but living in a space that is begging to be cleared is not something that is appealing to me. Either way, my hope is that this inspires you to declutter your home to make it a more loving and inviting space for yourself and your loved ones.

I’m excited to watch and see how she transforms lives, one home at a time.