Happy Meme Monday: Mom Of Boys

I’m not sure if this happens to you, but this seems to happen too often, there are somethings that doesn’t faze boys – like the urgency to get dressed. Or when I ask them what they’re doing and they tell me they’re getting dressed, only to walk in on them playing LEGO’s – doing everything but getting dressed!


Yes, there are just some realities a mom will experience with her boy that she won’t experience with her girl.

Happy Meme Monday!


Happy Meme Monday: Pinterest vs. Real Life

The problem I find with social media is that it doesn’t portray real life – you know?! If you’ve been to Pinterest you know there’s so much information there, from how to’s to recipes to do-it-yourself projects. Parent’s will go on there to find how to keep their two year old distracted or do it yourself projects, like learning how to build a small sandbox that will help your child with their fine motor skills. And how to make your very own cleaning solution at home. The list goes on and on, but the reality is that, it’s faster for me to 1) order the cleaning solution online on Amazon Prime or Grove Collaborative – an online chemical free cleaning supply store or 2) visit my local Target store. Yes, that’s it, I’m just not trying to become a part time chemist!

The thought of making my very own laundry soap seems phenomenal but the reality is that I don’t have the time for that!

The realities of any parent that stays home is different. I’m really just wanting 5 minutes of alone time in the bathroom – yes! I’m that mom trying to schedule in my showers during nap time and just wanting my kids to actually go pee at home before we go somewhere so I don’t get dragged into a public bathroom. I’m not the one making my very own hand soap, let alone sand box, however, if you are one, hey there hey, kudos for you!


Here’s to keeping the kids live long enough until dad gets home and rescues you, and feeding them cereal for lunch on those days we’re just too darn tired to try to make anything healthier than that!

Happy Meme Monday!


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