Talkative Tag

I was nominated for this by the tag creator and blogger The Eclectic Contrarian. Please check his site for great poems and quotes – they’re heartwarming and incredibly sweet. Likewise TEC, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our deep conversations on anything from the amazing world of Peppa Pig to me being utterly odd for not liking chocolate.

Also, I had zero clue on how to see who my top commentator’s on my blog were, if you already know how to do this – kudos to you dear reader! However, for those like myself that were clueless, here’s a quick step by step, simply go to the ‘Stats’ option on your WordPress, switch view from ‘Traffic’ to ‘Insights,’ scroll down to see the ‘Comments’ section and voilá – you’ll see your blogs top commentators. I’d suggest doing this on your phone, just so that you can do a screen shot of it, save and paste it on your ‘Talkative Tag’ post. If you have a simpler way of doing this – do share!

Message from the tag creator The Eclectic Contrarian: I’m starting a new tag. I’m calling it the Talkative Tag because that’s just what it is. It is a little “thanks” to those who have been very talkative and involved with my (your) blog and I really appreciate that! Should any of you want to nominate anyone, please feel free to use the tag. 


I want to nominate my top 5 commentators:






Thank you to all my top commentators, please know that I’ve enjoyed our chats. Your continued support has meant everything! Hope to see who your top commentators on your blog are!
