January 2019 and 500 Plus Followers

I have been incredibly blessed this past year, not only in celebrating this blog which has led me to interact with some great people but for giving me another year for self growth. I let go of self doubt and the fear that had held me back from doing things that I wanted to do for so long. I took the leap of faith, found the time and begun what I did as a self care hobby now turned into my very own YouTube channel – yes, it’s very terrifying but exciting. I’ve also found a way to enjoy the design aspect of art and opened my online store with RedBubble. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as I get older, is that risks are worth taking when there’s passion behind it.


Also, in celebration of my 500 followers, I want to thank you all, for giving me the encouragement to continue to speak on my condition and chronic pain – Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia. And in continuing to honor that, I’ll share with you five things about me I have yet to share.

  1. My most favorite scent is lavender.
  2. Even though I live with chronic pain, I have a high tolerance for pain.
  3. I’ve had 10 surgeries.
  4. I am crafty, love all things DIY – so fun! And lastly ….
  5. My most favorite number is 5.

May you be blessed and have a heart filled with courage to accomplish things this new year and always.


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