Reblog Wednesday: The Seven Magic Tricks of Blogging — The Art of Blogging

This week I wanted to share with you this interesting post from The Art of Blogging. He offers here great tricks and tips in blogging. It all seems easy right?! Well, not for many – including myself. The world of blogging can be intimidating and complex if not done properly. So, here are some tricks he uses on captivating your audience from the start and keeping them engaged.

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As for myself, I’ve only been blogging for a little over a year, and I must say, authenticity and communication with your followers is key. As the post states, know who you are, know your followers so that you know what they want. Also, when you know who you are, you are relatable and that is something everyone can appreciate.

What are some blogging tricks or tips you can offer to a new blogger? Please share!

Happy Wednesday!


Magicians are skilled manipulators of perception. They can make people think something is moving when it isn’t or see things that aren’t there. Diverting attention this way and that, they can hide cards and rabbits or make objects appear from thin air. Blogging is a little bit like that, depending on who writes it. Diverting […]

via The Seven Magic Tricks of Blogging — The Art of Blogging

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January 2019 and 500 Plus Followers

I have been incredibly blessed this past year, not only in celebrating this blog which has led me to interact with some great people but for giving me another year for self growth. I let go of self doubt and the fear that had held me back from doing things that I wanted to do for so long. I took the leap of faith, found the time and begun what I did as a self care hobby now turned into my very own YouTube channel – yes, it’s very terrifying but exciting. I’ve also found a way to enjoy the design aspect of art and opened my online store with RedBubble. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as I get older, is that risks are worth taking when there’s passion behind it.


Also, in celebration of my 500 followers, I want to thank you all, for giving me the encouragement to continue to speak on my condition and chronic pain – Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia. And in continuing to honor that, I’ll share with you five things about me I have yet to share.

  1. My most favorite scent is lavender.
  2. Even though I live with chronic pain, I have a high tolerance for pain.
  3. I’ve had 10 surgeries.
  4. I am crafty, love all things DIY – so fun! And lastly ….
  5. My most favorite number is 5.

May you be blessed and have a heart filled with courage to accomplish things this new year and always.


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The Liebster Award – 2

confetti.Liebster Award.2018

Among the greatest things blogging can do for you, one thing is for sure it’s the people you come across with and the comments that you read  that allow you to get a glimpse into someones life. You read into the bloggers/writers life, their struggles, their families, their joys, their illnesses and their most precious moments, it’s amazing. It’s incredibly humbling to be thought in such a manner that another fellow blogger can think of you for such awards and nominations. I know many can think it’s a bit of a drag, however, I like to think it’s someone thinking you are so unique, they’d like to know more of you in form of their own unique questions.

And for this one in particular, I want to thank Stuart over at Something to Stu Over. His blog is filled with authenticity and pure honesty. And I appreciate you for that! He writes about his journey to finding his way to Christ and filled with encouraging words about the truths that life can have us go through. If I can finish with this, I have noticed he also, calls his fellows bloggers by their name :: I’m speechless :: YES! He calls me by my name! I appreciate that. Often times and I won’t name any names, ahem, but at times I get called, Chiari. LOL. No my dear and amazing friends, I am not Chiari, rather I have Chiari. Or, or, or let’s call each other by our blog names! Yes, no, maybe?! I’ll let that simmer. So, now let’s keep this train moving along …..

Here’s a little history on The Liebster Award:

Recognizing bloggers for their efforts is the greatest compliment. The Liebster Award is an opportunity for bloggers to recognize and support other bloggers for their achievements. It’s geared towards blogs with smaller viewership.

The Liebster Award is available from January 1 – December 31, 2018. All nominations are voluntary and if the blogger chooses to accept nomination, I will list the rules at the bottom of this post and the official rules can be found HERE

Here are the rules:

Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Answer the questions you were asked.

Share 10 random facts about yourself.

Nominate at least 3 blogs for the award.

Ask your nominees 10 questions and inform them of the nomination.

Here are Stuarts questions for his nominees:

1. Besides the Bible what is your favorite book you have ever read?

I would have to say, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. This book in a nutshell, is about a young boy whom struggles in life and believes to be an outsider in this world. I read it when I was young and when I was going through a period of time when I trying to find myself and wanting to fit in. Ironically enough, S.E. Hinton wrote this book when she was about 16 years old and still in high school, just around the age when I fell in love with the novel.

2. What, in your opinion, is your greatest achievement in life?

My children, my kids, my babies, mis niños, etc. etc.?! Yes! As much as they drive me off and on the wall, as much as they scream, as much as there are times, many, many, many times where I may or may not want to pull each one of my hairs out, as much as they have to be told twenty times to go back to bed, they are my pride and most highest of joys. I was told at 15 years old that due to some complications with my uterus that I would not conceive. HA! Look at me now doc?! Boy OH boy, was he wrong! I most definitely didn’t think or ‘plan’ to have six babies and by societies standards, a bus load of ’em, but God had a different plan for me, all I did was say, YES! And am thankful that aside from them being high risk due to my illness, they are here! I trusted in Him and He followed through with His promise.

3. What is your reason for blogging?

My main goal was and still is to spread awareness of Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia. They are rare illnesses that have no cure today. The best way to alleviate pain is through decompression surgery for Chiari and laminectomy for Syringomyelia – I’ve had both. These surgeries are not a cure, they’re are simply to alleviate pain.

4. What is the best advice you have for newer bloggers?

Relax. Just relax and be yourself. And I will tell you another great one that was given to me by Stuart and that is to stop looking at the numbers! Yes, simple yet, so difficult! But yes, stop looking at the numbers, relax and allow yourself to be your most authentic self and the numbers will be there in due time on their own. Your amazing writing will drive readers to your site every single time.

5. If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?

I would say to have more humility in the world and less pride. I see so much pride in people today that it prevents us from being thoughtful and compassionate towards one another. I am no more or less than anyone and God didn’t create us to be that way with one another, He created us to be brothers and sisters through Him and to be a unit.

6. Do you color with crayons or markers?

Crayons. Markers tend to bleed on the back of the paper and I quickly make a mountain out of a molehill.

7. Besides Jesus, who is your favorite biblical figure?

Hannah, she was the wife of Elkanah and was infertile. However, after a blessing from Eli, she finally became pregnant with Samuel. It reminds me of my initial diagnosis at a young age. It’s also a testament to ask, ask you shall receive!

8. Who or what makes you yearn to be a better person than you were yesterday?

My family. They help me and show me daily who I truly am. I’m not a perfect mother, much less wife and they’ve shown me that. My children remind me of how little patience I have and how I still need to learn to love. They help me be able to work on myself daily, so that I can grow to be a better mom than I was yesterday.

9. When you go out on the town, what is your attire?

Anything that equals comfort, I want to be comfortable. I can’t wear heels since 2013 because of my Chiari, with my dizziness and vertigo, having heels just raises my chances to falling to an all time high. Besides I have babies to run after at any given moment so, I’ll go with comfort – or maybe cute shoes and then comfort.

10. If you have children, where is your favorite place to take them?

Out for dessert, yes, out for helado (ice cream in Spanish)! Have you seen/read our outing to Sweet Weekend With Whip N’ Dip + Raspados Loly’s – the pictures alone make me hungry! There’s something about going out for ice cream that gets people feeling happy and giddy inside. You get to try new locations, visit new neighborhoods and try different flavors! I love it, they love it, it’s a win win all around!

10 Random Facts About Myself:

1. I’m impatient, I’m impatient, I’m impatient.

2. As they say, ‘if you didn’t know’ well … you didn’t know, I have six babies.

3. My husband is a Marine Veteran.

4. I love, love, love watching 20/20

5. I was going to school for criminal justice, still love it! If you’re curious as to the why, I couldn’t, didn’t (coulda, woulda, shoulda) because I became pregnant with my oldest and time just wasn’t on my side! Yes, excuses, stay in school kids!

6. I love art! To draw, to color, to do school projects with my kiddies, DIY, crafting, you name it! I love!

7. I love maternity pants AND wait for it …. I’m NOT even pregnant. I know, but they’re so comfortable!

8. The only series in a long time that recently caught my undivided attention was the show, ‘The Crossing” – sadly it will not return for season 2.

9. My guilty ‘television’ pleasure, watching reality television, like RHONY because of one name, Bethenny and Bethenny and Fredrick, AND finally, yes, I’m going to say it, I do Keep Up With The Kardashians – when kids aren’t looking of course! I know! It’s horrible and sad and a waste of precious time and great all in one!

10. I don’t drink but when I do, Jack Daniel’s with coke, yes please!

Here are my nominees:

4 Spatulas

Chiari Conversations

Kate Days A Week

Here are my questions for my nominees:

1. What’s your advice to a person thinking about blogging?

2. When and why did you begin to blog?

3. Do you think there is a line to be drawn with blogging, when do you keep your personal life personal?

4. What have you recently done and loved because it made you feel ‘young at hear’?

5. It’s summer time, what plans do you have?

6. What’s your favorite color and why?

7. What do you most struggle with?

8. What does it mean to be ‘in love’ for you?

9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

10. Do you like tea or coffee?

Hello ladies, please know that I think you and your blog are amazing! I’m nominating you because you are deserving and hope you think that too – have fun and I can’t wait to read your answers! 🙂

Blessing to all!
