Reblog Wednesday: QUOTE OF THE DAY #111 — The Motivational Blog

Have you been to The Motivational Blog – you must! It’s so inspirational and as he so well titled it, a motivational blog. His posts inspires and allows for some great thinking stimulation. This particular quote that he posted, touched this mother’s heart. As someone living with chronic pain it’s almost inevitable not to compare myself to other mothers. I can be anywhere, may it be at my little ones school, at church, on a family outing, etc. I see mother’s that seem to be having it all together. So well put together from their hair, clothes, like they slept a full 8 hours, freshly bathed and ready to go! I imagine even just having had a nice hot breakfast too. That was me, maybe 5 kids ago!

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This mama today, though this year I have my oldest four in school – thank you Jesus, I’m still home with two kids. So, although the house is a bit quieter for a few hours, things still need to get done – slowly but surely, but I do not look as put together as these other moms. If I’m blessed, I’ll probably reheat my morning coffee four times before I give up and dump it, shower in middle of afternoon naps, with the door open because in my head, someone will come in and rob the house – I know, I’m dramatic that way! I get by to say the least. However, in the midst of it all, my own self doubt, self loathing, lack of motivation and self confidence, this quote is such a loving reminder. You truly do not need to be anyone else, you don’t need anyone to validate you, validate you as a woman, as a mother, as a business woman, as an employee, you don’t need anyone to hold your hand, you don’t need anyone to love you, because you can do all that on your own! I’m in my mid-30’s now and I can say that in my youth, I tried to love someone so much, I tried so hard to hang on, tried so hard to impress and at the end, there was nothing in the world that would have stopped him from leaving. So, before you go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket or put your whole heart into someone, love yourself first.

Look for a partner that will complement you –

not complete you.

You are complete on your own! Be aware of lies, if you don’t believe in who you are, others will know that and will try to take advantage of your trust.

They say the older you get, the wiser you are, however if you know that there is no one more important than you, you will stop living for others and begin to live your best life today – no need to grow old to figure this out! If we should learn anything from our elders, is that they learned to give a hoot about what others think of them. They are experiencing true freedom, I hope you experience your freedom too.

Happy Wednesday.


Photo Courtesy –

via QUOTE OF THE DAY #111 — The Motivational Blog

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