Searching For A Sign

I often get so many thoughts running through my mind and maybe you can relate. These thoughts of wanting to do something else, something more, maybe learn a new language or perhaps learn a new recipe. As for me I think with the blog and the online store I have, is enough considering there are still little ones to look after. But really, there’s always that one thing, that thing that we think we should be doing, should have done or goal yet to be reached. And all you’ve been doing is waiting, waiting for something, perhaps God to come and give you a sign. Perhaps because you’re not sure, you have self doubt, you’re afraid, afraid of failure or afraid of success, but you’re afraid. So, let’s say, you do it, whatever you’ve been thinking of doing, a job change, going back to school, yes, lets just say you do it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to finally do what you’ve been thinking about doing for so long?!

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This often reminds me of those who have been stuck in a rut for so long. We become content with what we have because it’s become our safe place and it’s what we’ve known for so long. In my opinion, the number one culprit in relationships, is the argument of never having enough money, you complain there isn’t enough, but I often question, what are we doing to change that, what are we doing to get to the finances that we need to finally ‘make ends meet.’ In all honesty, probably nothing. So, if you’re a mother, a father or simply someone that’s looking to take that leap – take it! It’ll take you farther than you know.
