Pre-Christmas Time Thoughts

*this is a pre-scheduled post. Momlifewithchiari will be out of commission for a little bit. Please enjoy.

This time of year always gets me thinking of the people that this time can bring certain feelings into fruition, happiness isn’t one of them, but rather sadness and stress. Thanksgiving is getting closer, soon it’ll be Christmas and then New Years, it can all bring either joy or sadness inside all of us. As this can be a very lonely time of year for some.

Also, as you know, my home is still very much filled with little ones and you can see them here in our Christmas picture from last year. And so, we’ve already dove right into a few things, our favorite must watch movies from Charlie Brown to other Christmas classics – I mean, A Christmas Story. Yes!

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There’s been one movie in particular that’s been on repeat these past couple day’s and that’s been the live action Dr. Seuss classic, ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ released in 2000. Jim Carrey as the Grinch is brilliant but I’ll have to admit, this movie at first was unsettling – was it the makeup, the costumes or the people of Whoville?! I can’t say. However, now that it’s ‘grown’ on me, the message that I’ve gathered after watching it a few times – OK more than a few, is incredible.


So, before you go on and get stressed, before your heart begins to ache because there’s very little, very little money – heck, very little of everything, stop and think of why this season is so important. Why is this season more meaningful than things? I’m a parent and there’s nothing more that I love than to see my children smile, and let’s face it, children light up at the sight of presents. However, I also have a mission, because with these great children, comes great responsibility, and that is to teach them far more than any present can ever do.


Published by

Mom Life With Chiari

Living with Chiari 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia since 2013.

59 thoughts on “Pre-Christmas Time Thoughts”

    1. Yes, as long as they know what’s more important. Haha! When we get the Target toy catalog in the mail, they all start writing their names next to what they want. 😳🤨 It gives me a good idea of what to get, but half the time, they don’t get what’s on there. For the past couple of years, they’re still into the same things.
      So, I got the Apple Watch 4 series yesterday, glad I did! I got the pink/rose gold one. How are you enjoying yours?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow. I am glad you did. I am enjoying it thoroughly. I workout a lot so it is perfect for me to keep track of things. On kids I agree as long as they appreciate for what we have. Praise the lord 😊😊🌸🌸

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I am tired of stressful holidays, so this year I plan to make my life easier with the Three Gift Rule: Something they want, something they need, and something to read. I want my kids to understand that the holiday season is much more than just a bunch of toys and yummy food. 🙂 Happy Holidays!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So good! Love that! I do the first two, something they want and something they need. And then I’ll get them one big gift for all to share which are books given to them on Three Kings Day.
      I agree, it’s far more than things and toys.
      Thank you Ginny for your beautiful comment – Merry Christmas 😊🙏🏽

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  2. This was such a nice post Ana! God bless your beautiful family! Enjoy every minute of all the upcoming holidays! I love the Grinch and the quote you mentioned! Be well and talk to you soon! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is beautiful and you’re so right! As parents, we do have a mission to teach our children SO much more. Thanks for this reminder!


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