Happy Meme Monday: Black Friday in America

Have you heard of ‘Black Friday‘? This is a day when stores all across America offer ridiculously low prices on items, such as toys and electronics. This happens in November, the day after Thanksgiving. While some are willing – and others not, to spend time with their families on Thanksgiving and then go straight to their favorite store – yes, at night! And yes, they’re camping out in front of a store. They will wait – some all night, until that store opens the next day, to ensure they are first in line and get the item they want at the low price being offered. I know, you’re confused, so am I. I’ve never understood this.

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Have you been to a store on ‘Black Friday’ and snagged a great deal?! Was your experience a pleasant one?! Do share.

Happy Meme Monday.


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Mom Life With Chiari

Living with Chiari 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia since 2013.

62 thoughts on “Happy Meme Monday: Black Friday in America”

  1. Pingback: Happy Meme Monday: Black Friday in America — Mom Life With Chiari – SEO
  2. They start Black Friday on Thursday evening around 6:00 now (at least in my area). I hate it. Everyone wants to rush off and go shopping instead of being with family on what’s supposed to be a day of thanks. We do venture out to the stores on Friday evening to see what’s left, but don’t really do much in the way of shopping. There’s just something that doesn’t sit right about the whole day with me.

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    1. Yes! I know, it’s earlier now.
      It doesn’t sit well with me either. I feel like if I participate, I’m supporting whomever has that poor soul behind the register working instead of being in their homes with their families.
      I think, I may have heard one year, employees boycotting Black Friday?! Not sure, might be wrong. But, I wouldn’t blame them! 😌 I’d support them. My cousin works at a ‘big’ retail store chain, and for a few years now, we never know if she’ll make it for our thanksgiving gathering due to being scheduled in to work – so sad!

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  3. I’ve done black Friday a couple of times, especially when I had 3 teenagers, I just moved my family to the store after dinner….we have several funny stories over the years, and Ive met alot of great people. I’m not gonna die if I dont get something I wanted. I’m not going to fight anyone for sales either, but it does really show some peoples true spirits. FYI, my best buys are always $60.00 in dog toys from Menards, that last my two dogs all year.

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    1. Yes, to each their own. And as you say, as long as you’re not trampling over someone, all is well.
      Toys that’ll last all year! 😳🙌🏽 Don’t have a dog, just kids, is that bad that I just included that in one sentence?! Nah! But great purchase indeed! Way to go Grace. 😊🙏🏽

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      1. Yes, Thanksgiving should be just that, Thanksgiving. Allow a day of rest for people to share time with family and loved ones, without the need to check the clock because they need to head to work. 😣


    1. Thank you Vivian. Since last week, starting the YouTube channel, keeping up with the blog, having my boys birthday on the 13th then the other on the 16th AND then going to the children’s arcade thing – phew! Yes, I’m still recovering, my brain is at least! It’s a lot on my body. I’m trying to stay patient and positive, when I have an episode, especially with vertigo, my head just takes dayssss to ‘adjust’ itself, you know?!
      Ugh, the life of a person eight chronic pain, is not easy, it’s just tolerable.
      Enough about me, how are you? How was the birthday gathering?
      Many many hugs! 😊🙏🏽


      1. How did the arcade go? I know you were not excited about the loud noise there. Yes, it usually takes me several days to adjust also. I have “issues” with blood pressure and blood flow, so understand the vertigo.😣 Awww, Ana, I know. I get this feeling of “ugh” so well, it’s tough, so tough and a bit depressing too. I’m much improved since Saturday’s party, but Sunday could not do anything but sleep and rest. It was a struggle to enjoy my party and the reality of how different I am, my life is….has hit me hard. 😢 But, having YOU and a few others who care mean the world!☺😊

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      2. Yes! I know, I’m sure, you were out! And it’s not even to sleep the whole day while laying in bed, is that your body has shut down and you can’t physically do anything! The next day after something out of the norm happens, like our ‘birthday’ will hit us hard the next day, and maybe even the next day after that! The recovery is the worst.
        It always hits me hard when I’m in a situation where everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and I’m there just praying the music will miraculously go silent – forever! 😆
        Thank you Vivian, I’m still recovering, my head feels like we’re in a never ending Ferris wheel, only I’m the only one on it! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ve been taking medication, to which it’s been ‘scientifically’ proven to help and only the people that actually take it, can testify they really DON’T! Ugh! But doctors orders so 🤷🏽‍♀️
        Likewise, meeting you on here, your support has meant more than you know. 😊🙏🏽

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      3. Lol, Ana you make me laugh, “miraculously go silent forever” yes!😂😂 I’m sorry the medicine doesn’t help. I know it’s discouraging. 😣 I’m so thankful for you dearest Ana!!😀🤗 We are stronger together!! Praying for you. Many hugs coming to you!!🤗🤗🤗 💕💕🙏💝💝

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes, maybe ‘someone’ will accidentally pull he plug on the music 😏 Is it just me or are we constantly on a ‘trial run’ seeing which meds will help?! Ugh!
        Yes, we are. That’s the greatest feeling, to know I’m not alone. A bit bittersweet because I don’t like to think that there someone out there relating to my same daily health struggle – but it’s nice though. 😊🙏🏽 thank you sweet Vivian, I’ll be praying for you as well.

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      5. It is bittersweet Ana! I feel badly for anyone suffering from this, especially such a dear friend like you are to me now. There were many months..years…that I felt so alone in this and I kind of adapted that as my motto, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” because just knowing that one fact melted away the desperate loneliness I sometimes felt. I now know God is always with me plus a few really amazing friends. 😍🤗😚

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      6. It’s September 20th today, if I can remember correctly, that makes today your birthday.
        If it is, I wish you the most wonderful day, filled with family hugs and the sweet voices of your children telling you lovely things. I’m beyond grateful for finding you here, for building a bond I have craved to find for so long, thank you for ‘listening,’ for understanding and for supporting me and lending your friendship. And silence, may it be filled with silence ☺️🙌🏽
        Many hugs 🎂🎉☺️

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      7. Awwwe!! Yes, today is my birthday! My amazing dad visited me yesterday, lavishly gifting me with so much love and gifts. I plan to see my aunts from CA who are here visiting and my mama tomorrow. I pray I hold up! My teenage son has reminded me of this day (while laughing) for the past few months because it’s a milestone year for me….but I’m so thankful to be here!! I’m so glad you have entered my life too Ana!! I’m stronger because of you. Your friendship and time to talk to me, supporting me and encouraging me is priceless. ❤ I’m so grateful. ❤Lol, yes, let there be much silence!!😂😁😄

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    1. Ohhhh Barnum & Bailey Circus! I wasn’t fortunate to watch a live show. Were you able to watch their last show, YouTube ran it live, it was amazing! We watched it at home with the kids, they were in awe, and then to see the performers come out with their families, and everyone from behind the scenes come out to have a final farewell, so touching!I’ve been to the Cirque Du Soleil, the ‘Alegria’ show – which is amazing by the way, spectacular! They also have a permanent show in the Disney World grounds here in Orlando, Florida – have yet to see it, I’m sure it’s just as great.
      You’re right Bryan! I agree. I don’t participate in the Black Friday craze but do hear about it! It’s insane to say the least! Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it!

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  4. Black Friday is a marketing tool which should have never been invented because it is a holiday for the greedy. Greedy business selling to the greedy bargain shoppers. Sorry to put it this way, but it is.

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    1. 🙌🏽 We must sometimes just say it like it is. Even with the ‘ultimate’ deals being offered, few – or none, shoppers are thinking twice about the employee having to sacrifice family time to now be working on Black Friday. And unfortunately not many can afford to lose hours and call in sick to work, to avoid the chaos.

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    1. Hey! If people are brave enough to go through the process of getting a good deal, more power to them. 🙌🏽 I’ll be home enjoying leftovers! Which by the way OJ, aren’t leftovers the best or close to being the best next to thanksgiving dinner?! 🎉

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  5. I feel so sorry for the people who have to work on Thanksgiving in places that have no benefit to society by being open……..public service, hospitals, nursing homes, yes, I worked in health care for years and working holidays is just part of the job……….but Best Buy and Target…….people should be able to spend the day with their families or volunteering. Shows priorities.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Good point! Yes, yes! I think of them on Black Friday, having to put up with people, again only the day after Thanksgiving! Have they even finished digesting their food to be called/demanded they work Black Friday?! 😣
      Unfortunately too many, don’t have their priorities straight. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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  6. Yes and yes. Although I’ve heard horror stories. Around the time my brother was a toddler the”tickle me Elmo” was huge (understatement) people literally trampled and killed for that thing. I think the “Furby” was the next to hit Dateline News.

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    1. Lol I remember ‘tickle me Elmo.’ To which when they asked Elmo what he thought about it, he said, a better name would have been, ‘Tickle Elmo.’ As he does only refer to himself in the third person. 😂 I thought of getting one, for a second! Then the feeling was GONE.
      The latest ones I can think of has been the Hatchimals – that big egg thing / toy – and the LOL dolls.

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  7. That day is a shame on this country. I refuse to participate. It almost drowns out Thanksgiving. Take that time and actually reflect on your blessings and spend time with your family! Those “deals” can’t replace tradition and family.

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    1. 🙌🏽 I agree! I wouldn’t be surprised if people even save money leading up to that day. Why risk being trampled?! Save your money and go spend quality time with your family. Besides, nowadays with online stores like Amazon and Wayfair, you don’t need a day like ‘Black Friday’ specials to find a great deal.
      I even choose to be home on Black Friday because of the traffic. It’s all around a bizarre day. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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      1. That’s a thing! It’s called Cyber Monday. Which I’m more for than risking your life immediately after thanksgiving dinner…

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      2. Even then, I’ve tried buying on cyber Monday and one year, the store website crashed! 🤦🏽‍♀️
        Lol. There will be no risking of my life for a discounted television. Which by the way we only have one in my home – on purpose! And that is to share more family time together, learn to compromise and share screen time. There will be no, ‘every child in their room watching tv’ in my home. 😣 My personal preference. 🙂

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