The Liebster Award – 4

Thank you to my fellow blogger The Eclectic Contrarian. If you haven’t read his incredible poems or been to his blog for some lifting and motivational writing – pay him a visit! Thank you again for your support, I’m humbled.



Here’s How It Works:

• Create a new blog post on your blog thanking the person that nominated you, link to their blog and put in a graphic of the award.

• Answer the questions that were provided, and then share some facts about yourself.

• Create a new set of your own questions for others to answer.

• Nominate 5-11 others and share your blog post with them so they can accept their awards

I’ve Been Asked The Following:

-Whats a topic you love and don’t love to write about?

Always appreciate humor. And honesty. Or should I say honesty in form of humor.

I began this blog with Chiari Malformation + Syringomyelia in mind, however, I have my days when I just can’t get myself to speak on the subject. It just seems to drag me down at times, realty sometimes can get the best of me and I choose to not think on the matter.

-Who and what influences you to write?

Life itself, the brutal truths, the humor in life, my kids and what’s been on my mind at that particular time.

-What emotion gets your creative gears rolling?

Whichever emotion I am feeling at that moment is the best in getting me to write. Whether I’m feeling a bit low, happy or excited.

-Do you write from who you are? Or, who you wish you to be?

I like to go with who I am. I may not be everyone’s cup of ‘tea’ but being myself, authenticity is what will be the greatest in the long run. Those whom choose to stay, will and those who don’t, won’t. And that’s OK.

-Are you a city, country, foreign or even fantasy/sci-fi type of person?

Let’s go with foreign. I’m a little complex, but authentic.

Interesting Things About Me:

I’m a whopping 5′ feet tall!

I’m a righty and have two of my little girls that are lefty.

One of my favorite actresses is Julia Roberts and comedians Robin Williams†

I dislike talking on the phone – and texting

I will hold you to your word, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

I like to be punctual / on time to places. I believe firmly in respecting peoples time.

I think communication is key in any relationship, friendship or otherwise.

My family absolutely loves all things Disney World, including Walt Disney himself, his story, life, how it all began, etc.

Am very much looking forward to the movie ‘Toy Story 4’ being released later this year

As a stay at home mom, I like to work in an organized and clean house, otherwise it’s a no-go!

If I can learn how to do it, and do it myself, I will, for instance, painting walls, dying my own hair at home – been doing it for years, and just recently, cutting my boys hair at home because at $20 x3 boys = doing it myself! No offense to the professionals  🙂

I Nominate:

Simply Chronically Ill

Daily Grind Of A Stay At Home Mom

Bereaved Single Dad


Gods Whispers Of Truth

My Questions To You Are:

• Do you feel your blog represents who you truly are?

• When in a rut, what motivates you to continue to write?

• Is there a topic that is off limits in your writing / blog?

• Was there any one person that motivated you in starting your blog?

Thank you to my nominees, I appreciate your time, so please take your time in responding.


Published by

Mom Life With Chiari

Living with Chiari 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia since 2013.

41 thoughts on “The Liebster Award – 4”

  1. Great answers! I dislike the phone too, but with my preschool I feel like I always have parents texting me… I always appreciate it when people are punctual too, so many people just show up whenever.. and I think it’s very rude. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, most teachers are now using apps too, making it easier to communicate with them. I have one of my child’s teacher though that only uses her email. That can be a bit frustrating, only because she tends to answer a bit late, usually within a few days.

      Yes! I agree! It is rude, we should be respectful of everyone’s time. And not waste it. 😏🙌🏽

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely! Do the teachers there use class dojo? That’s the teacher app many use here. I sometimes use Brightwheel which is similar. But i would get some parents turning off their notifications for it. lol so I’ve just went back to texting them.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Yessss! We are too! It’s such a great cast, we’ve enjoyed them all. Hope Don Rickles had a chance to record for Mr. Potato Head before his passing – brilliant comedian. And we saw John Ratzenberger who voices Hamm last year at Hollywood Studios inside the Toy Story Land. 😊 He has a permanent spot with Pixar.

      Liked by 1 person

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