The Liebster Award – 4

Thank you to my fellow blogger The Eclectic Contrarian. If you haven’t read his incredible poems or been to his blog for some lifting and motivational writing – pay him a visit! Thank you again for your support, I’m humbled.



Here’s How It Works:

• Create a new blog post on your blog thanking the person that nominated you, link to their blog and put in a graphic of the award.

• Answer the questions that were provided, and then share some facts about yourself.

• Create a new set of your own questions for others to answer.

• Nominate 5-11 others and share your blog post with them so they can accept their awards

I’ve Been Asked The Following:

-Whats a topic you love and don’t love to write about?

Always appreciate humor. And honesty. Or should I say honesty in form of humor.

I began this blog with Chiari Malformation + Syringomyelia in mind, however, I have my days when I just can’t get myself to speak on the subject. It just seems to drag me down at times, realty sometimes can get the best of me and I choose to not think on the matter.

-Who and what influences you to write?

Life itself, the brutal truths, the humor in life, my kids and what’s been on my mind at that particular time.

-What emotion gets your creative gears rolling?

Whichever emotion I am feeling at that moment is the best in getting me to write. Whether I’m feeling a bit low, happy or excited.

-Do you write from who you are? Or, who you wish you to be?

I like to go with who I am. I may not be everyone’s cup of ‘tea’ but being myself, authenticity is what will be the greatest in the long run. Those whom choose to stay, will and those who don’t, won’t. And that’s OK.

-Are you a city, country, foreign or even fantasy/sci-fi type of person?

Let’s go with foreign. I’m a little complex, but authentic.

Interesting Things About Me:

I’m a whopping 5′ feet tall!

I’m a righty and have two of my little girls that are lefty.

One of my favorite actresses is Julia Roberts and comedians Robin Williams†

I dislike talking on the phone – and texting

I will hold you to your word, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

I like to be punctual / on time to places. I believe firmly in respecting peoples time.

I think communication is key in any relationship, friendship or otherwise.

My family absolutely loves all things Disney World, including Walt Disney himself, his story, life, how it all began, etc.

Am very much looking forward to the movie ‘Toy Story 4’ being released later this year

As a stay at home mom, I like to work in an organized and clean house, otherwise it’s a no-go!

If I can learn how to do it, and do it myself, I will, for instance, painting walls, dying my own hair at home – been doing it for years, and just recently, cutting my boys hair at home because at $20 x3 boys = doing it myself! No offense to the professionals  🙂

I Nominate:

Simply Chronically Ill

Daily Grind Of A Stay At Home Mom

Bereaved Single Dad


Gods Whispers Of Truth

My Questions To You Are:

• Do you feel your blog represents who you truly are?

• When in a rut, what motivates you to continue to write?

• Is there a topic that is off limits in your writing / blog?

• Was there any one person that motivated you in starting your blog?

Thank you to my nominees, I appreciate your time, so please take your time in responding.


Reblog Wednesday: 8 Blogging Mistakes that Waste Your Readers’ Time — Cristian Mihai

As a first time blogger, I’m always looking for advice, ideas and tips that will help me improve my blog and my writing. I appreciate constructive criticism, the type that will help you grow and improve. I share this post today, that did that for me. I often want to know what I’m doing right, but it’s also good to know what I’m doing wrong. What can I change about my blog, is there anything to change, can I add something, can I remove something and replace it with something greater – those are thoughts that run through my mind.

Here the blogger Cristian Mihai – great by the way, helps you by listing ‘8 blogging mistakes’ you could be making right now. The mistakes that can be jeopardizing your blog and can be a determining factor as to the growth of your blog. Also, as to whether or not you’re wasting your readers time. Not that your blog isn’t interesting, but there’s always room for improvement.

What improvements – if any, have you made, big or small, on your blog since you first started blogging?

Happy Wednesday.


Originally posted on The Art of Blogging: The Internet has made it possible for us to live in a world of “information overload.” A few clicks, a few swipes on a smartphone, and we have access to more ideas, blog posts, and news stories than we could ever possibly consume. It’s hard to remember —…

via 8 Blogging Mistakes that Waste Your Readers’ Time — Cristian Mihai USA, LLC

The Inside My Head Tag


I received this tag by the lovely blogger over at Discovering Your Happiness and it was so much fun to do! She writes about health, mental illness, healthy recipes and happiness, among other interesting things. Her honesty, her willingness to be so open by writing down such raw emotions has been what has captivated me to her amazing blog! She’s proving that being your true self will be what will draw people closer to you. I appreciate you and love your amazing blog Anita.

If you’re a follower of mine, I hope you have enjoyed reading along and getting to know me a little better and if you’re not, please subscribe and follow my journey along! Ana-

So, let me begin!


° Thank & tag the person that has tagged you

° Attach the tag photo

° Answer the ‘This or That’ questions

° Tag 10-20 friends

Here we go:

° How do you feel at the moment?

Considering this is the peak of bedtime, with 6 little’s, the ‘process’ can be long and with my anxiety, it can get daunting. :: deep breaths ::

° What do you need more in my life?

Patience. Lord Almighty, I need more patience! I can feel my anxiety level rising when I feel stressed or hear people complaining.

° What would make you happy right now?

A full nights rest – 8 hours, and a vacation. Does Disney World count? We’re going to Disney World again this summer and although I love the most magical place on Earth, I  refuse to call it a vacation. But still I love it!

° What is going on in your life right now?

Let’s see, well the blog is going on. I don’t have social media so I am not scaling as fast as I’d like – remember I’m impatient 🙂  I mean how do you grow your blog without social media?! I’m still trying to figure that out without giving into the pressures of the world. Maybe later I will. Also, we just wrapped up my son’s IEP for the next school year, if you haven’t read my post on Autism you can definitely do it here. The meeting went as well as it could have gone, if you’ve been in these meetings, you know how intense they can get. No bueno for someone like myself living with anxiety. But we got over that hump and he’s all set for next year!

° What am I most grateful for? List 10 things.

My Children – Every.Single.One 🙂

My Family – For the patience and support they’ve demonstrated since my diagnosis

My Health – Even where I am at now with my health, I am grateful i have a pulse and I am alive. I’ve had multiple surgeries – too many to count, and you can read more about me here, but the surgeries due to Chiari + Syringomyelia have been the most risky – not that other surgeries weren’t. But the complexity of these two could have really ended my life. God’s got this mama here for a reason beyond my humble comprehension.

My Blog – It’s given me an outlet to be able to write down my emotions. I think not as honest as I’d like to be, but I think with time I’ll get there. I’ll be able to feel more comfortable. So far it’s been free therapy and who doesn’t like free things 🙂  It’s allowing me to meet many interesting people from all walks of life and from other places, it’s been a pleasure to read the many experiences. And in the words of my therapist, ‘misery loves company’ – and not in a bad way. But reading others not-so-pretty lives has helped me see, that I am not alone.

My Home – It provides shelter and a safe environment for myself and my family.

Food – I enjoy cooking, most days I see it as a stress reliever and have enjoyed introducing the kitchen to the children. They love to help and have come to love baking for one another.

Our Van – I never, never, ever, did I see myself in a van, much less with 6 little’s. But God had plans bigger than what I could have ever imagined for myself. I had actually written other plans for myself. God however – as always, has the last say. I am grateful for this vehicle that can house my entire family. It gives us a nice small space to travel in – near or far, to sing, to talk, to watch Peppa Pig and ultimately throw a french fry or two when they aren’t happy! 🙂

Our Strollers – Yes, you read right! They come to my rescue when my body can no longer be pushed.

E-Mail – This helps me communicate with my children’s teachers and has come in so handy when I’ve needed surgery. The ease to be able to tell them just about anything and everything with a few clicks is absolutely amazing – especially when you live with chronic pain.

iPhone Pictures – I am by no means a photographer – and you can see my Nail File Friday’s to prove my skills are lacking, however I still love taking pictures. I appreciate being able to capture moments in time to later reminisce on times past.

Flats (shoes) – With Chiari + Syringomyelia, vertigo is almost inevitable and even since having my surgeries I still have it. So, flats have really helped me still feel normal and pretty without the constant feeling like we’re all in a roller coaster ride! Eek!

° When did you experience joy this week? 

I went with one of my boys to his classmates birthday party and seeing his eyes light up brought so much joy to my heart. He was so excited to be there and I was so happy I got to be there with him.

° List a small victory/success?

With my anxiety it’s hard to be patient, I worry a lot for just about anything. I want to know what’s going on at all times. I also have agoraphobia, but booking our summer vacation is such a huge success. I do it all for my children, they motivate me to do things I otherwise would not.

° What is bothering me & Why?

I feel like I have truly not accepted my condition – you can read more about that here, because I have been thinking a lot of my past life. But at the same time, realize that my diagnosis would have been the same regardless.

° What are my priorities at the moment?

To put myself first, to do things for myself that will help improve my mental health. Also, to start getting outside more often, to start a physical regimen and to improve my physical health.

° What do I love about myself?

The love, appreciation and compassion I have towards others – especially those closest to me. I also appreciate that I’m frugal – not to be confused with being cheap. If you haven’t read my My Tips On Thrifting and if you haven’t taken advantage of the Grove Collaborative – Free Set you must! I love getting a good discount – and of course free stuff!

° Who means the world to me & why?

My little ones, they will drive me up the walls, roofs, everything! The same way they drive me crazy, they love me regardless of how I feel or how I look. I knew growing up I wanted to be a mom, I didn’t know God had 6 little one’s waiting for me, for that I am grateful.

° If I could share one message with the world, what would it be?

It seems so obvious but to some it isn’t. I would say, put your health as a priority. If you feel any kind of way, don’t hold off, schedule that appointment, go to your doctor and get checked! My life changed in a split second, I had emergency surgery and just like that my life changed forever. I ignored early signs, I didn’t tell my doctor things I assumed were not important, not a big deal. You are important, treat yourself right, get checked!

° What advise would I give my younger self? 

The breakup and heartache you will experience will not deteriorate you, you will crawl out of that black hole and you will come out of that alive. Don’t jeopardize your future, hold on, be patient, you will find someone willing and able to pick up the broken pieces that are going to be left behind.

° What lesson did I learn this week? 

‘By accepting that we cannot change the past, we can release ourselves and fully start living’ – Dr. Perry  So incredibly true. I find myself so deep in my past that I prevent myself from enjoying the present.

° If I had all the time in the world, what would I do first?

I’d sleep! I have 6 kids, what answer were you expecting?! Ha, I’d put a ‘go away’ sign and call it a day!

° What’s draining my energy?

Chronic pain and my anxiety, if I allow it to, it can get the best of me really quick.

° What does my ideal morning look like?

This is my ideal, it would be my kids waking up to their alarm, wake up, brush my teeth, help them get ready for school, say our goodbye’s and see you later’s, get the little one’s breakfast ready and get them dressed for the day.

° What does my ideal day look like?

I’m a stay at home mom, so my day consist of a lot of cartoons playing in the background while I do laundry, fold and put away clothes, clean, cook lunch, making after school snacks for kids and once the kids are home from school, I check everyone’s backpacks.

° What makes me come alive?

My children’s smile, hearing their laughter and listening to their stories.

° What/Who inspires me the most?

Anyone living with chronic pain or debilitating condition, they’re willingness to keep fighting, motivates me to keep moving forward.

° Where does my pain originate?

It’s all due to Chiari + Syringomyelia. It began there and from there other things have come up.

° What are my strengths?

Regardless of how I’m feeling, I always make time for those who need me. I’m supportive, I will try to always tell you the truth even if I know it may hurt you, I would rather tell you the truth than make you believe something that isn’t. A good friend will tell you the truth when others won’t.

° What is something I’ve always wanted but too scared to get?

This blog, it took me years to finally build up the courage and convince myself that I could do it. It’s here now!

° What is something I would love to learn?

I would love to learn more about my Korean ancestors. I grew up with unique facial features and this all came together when we realized we have Korean family members.

° Where would I want to live my ideal life?

I want to live in a simple space, somewhere out in the country, with animals, with fields and fields of grass where I can sit and watch as my children run and play, where there isn’t too much noise, where life is more simple and in need of little because we alone are enough.

° Where would you like to travel in the next 5 years?

I traveled to Canada years ago on a Pilgrimage to see the Pope. And that was fantastic, so I’d go back there. I’d go to Italy, I’d go to Jerusalem and be baptized in the Jordan River, Greece and visit all of the Disney parks around the world.

° What can I do to take better care of myself?

I would continue to go to therapy. Although it’s hard to get out of the house just for therapy, it is imperative that I take care of my mental health. Because as they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

° What hobbies would I like to try?

Pilates and walk more, just walk, go out for walks, get fresh air and appreciate nature more.

° When have I done something that I thought I couldn’t do?

Getting started on the blog! I’m so hard on myself and thought I wouldn’t have time for something else, that my plate was too full to put something else in it. But it’s here and I’m so glad that I finally got it started!

° At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

This one is so profound! I think I want to believe that I got to apologize to people if I ever hurt them or made them feel some kind of way. I don’t like leaving things unfinished with people. I want my kids to remember that even though I became sick at their young ages, I want to tell them that I tried, I tried every single day to be present and pushed through the pain, every single day. I put my body through surgeries that didn’t guarantee anything would improve but that I did it for them, I take medication – unwillingly, for them. Because the medicines are prescribed for me to feel semi-normal and if that’s what is offered, that’s what I’ll take. All in order to be present in their lives. And I hope my husband knows how sorry I am he got stuck with someone that ended up being so sick. How boring can it possibly get?! But that I appreciate all the sacrifices he has made.

My nominees: 

I don’t have 10-20 nominees due to the blog being relatively new  🙂

° Four Jordans

° Simply Chronically Ill

° Magic In The Everyday

° A Disney World Adventurer

° My Li’l Place

To my nominees, I apologize beforehand for the lengthy tag, but it would be so nice to get to know you through these questions. I can’t wait to read your answers and hope you have as much fun as I did doing this tag!

♥ Ana