Reblog Wednesday: The Seven Magic Tricks of Blogging — The Art of Blogging

This week I wanted to share with you this interesting post from The Art of Blogging. He offers here great tricks and tips in blogging. It all seems easy right?! Well, not for many – including myself. The world of blogging can be intimidating and complex if not done properly. So, here are some tricks he uses on captivating your audience from the start and keeping them engaged.

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As for myself, I’ve only been blogging for a little over a year, and I must say, authenticity and communication with your followers is key. As the post states, know who you are, know your followers so that you know what they want. Also, when you know who you are, you are relatable and that is something everyone can appreciate.

What are some blogging tricks or tips you can offer to a new blogger? Please share!

Happy Wednesday!


Magicians are skilled manipulators of perception. They can make people think something is moving when it isn’t or see things that aren’t there. Diverting attention this way and that, they can hide cards and rabbits or make objects appear from thin air. Blogging is a little bit like that, depending on who writes it. Diverting […]

via The Seven Magic Tricks of Blogging — The Art of Blogging

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Back To School Readiness Check List

This summer like the ones in years past, is going by quickly. It’s that time when I get my check list ready to hit the stores – whether that is ordering items online, ordering for in-store pick up or going to the store, the time is now. With ordering online and having chronic pain, this is a ‘pain saver’ or is it ‘life saver’ – whichever the saying, it’s good! And ordering in advance gives me time to make exchanges if needed.

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This year my older four will be going off to school. We have them going into prekindergarten 4 through sixth grade. This will be my preschoolers first time in a school setting and she’s elated! Here is a sneak peak at my “Back To School Check List” – because when you’re shopping for a mini tribe, it’s essential that you stay organized.

“Back To School Readiness Check List”

To Do At Home

• Gather new grade school supplies lists for all

• Take inventory of materials / miscellaneous things – check what for items you may have put away in your home, cross that item off the school supply list.

often times at the end of the school year, I’ll get back unused / new materials that went unused, I’ll save those items for the next school year.

 also with things like, rain jackets and sweaters, I’ll have them try it on, if they haven’t outgrown them, they’ll reuse these.

• List the children’s names with their shoe size, shirt size and shorts/bottoms size (double checking will ensure buying the correct sizes)

• The hanging closet organizer, this is our ‘school cubby’ that hangs in the children’s closets, each child will have a cubby assigned to them, each night they’ll set up their uniform / school attire for the next day – makes getting ready in the morning easy!

School Uniforms / Clothes

• 4 uniform polo shirts per child (verify school colors) – I will purchase these from Target

• 1 school patch / emblem for each polo shirt (can be purchased at the school  from PTSA)

• 1 ‘Friday’ school shirt per child (can be purchased at the school  from PTSA)

• 4 uniform shorts per child (verify school colors)

• 1 pair of pants per child (verify school colors)

• 1 sweater per child – to be ordered from Gap (Go to the sweaters that are on ‘sale,’ you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the quality and the price you’ll pay)

• 1 rain jacket per child (to keep inside backpack)

• 1 mini-umbrella for oldest to keep inside backpack (she likes to have an umbrella)

• 1 pair of sneakers/running shoes per child

• Undergarments for all / each child

• Pack of socks for each child

• Belt for each child – to be ordered from My Self Belts (I have been ordering them for about 5 years, the belts are EXCELLENT – especially great for my son with autism)

Backpacks + Lunchboxes, Miscellaneous

• Backpack and Lunchboxes – to be ordered from Pottery Barn Kids (Go to the backpacks that are on ‘sale,’ you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the quality and the price you’ll pay) If ‘last’ years backpack is still in good condition, it will be washed and reused.

• PE water bottles – to be ordered Contigo water bottle

• Labels for PE water bottles – to be ordered from Inch Bug

• School agenda / homework agenda (can be purchased at the school  from PTSA)

Kids Hair

• Girls hair bows (I’ll purchase bows according to the school colors)

• Black elastics – for pony tails

Clear small elastics  – for tying ends of braids

• Detangling spray

• Tresemme hairspray – to use on both the boys and girls

• Mennen Cologne – for kids

School Supplies

• Gather new grade school supplies lists for all and log in the school website to be sure it’s the latest supply list – as the teachers will often update them even during the summer.

• I try to buy things like crayons and pencils in bulk from Amazon Prime – things like this are always needed throughout the year, things like folders, paper, etc. from Target

If you’d like to know all that’s inside my ‘kids hair bin’ organizer you can find that here and for a detailed post on what I use in my home for school purposes you can find that here.

Hope you have a great back to school shopping experience!


Photo: Sharon McCutcheon

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